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Indoor Residual Spraying In Balaka- A story of the frontline fighters

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December 2022



In collaboration with World Vision and other international partners, The Global Fund is spearheading a crucial initiative to combat malaria in Malawi through Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS). This method involves applying insecticide to the interior walls and ceilings of homes, effectively targeting and killing the mosquitoes responsible for transmitting malaria.

Since its inception in Malawi in 2007, the IRS program has reached over 2.6 million households, safeguarding more than 12 million people. This initiative is especially critical for children under the age of five and pregnant women, who account for over 70% of malaria-related deaths in the country.

The success of IRS, combined with the use of insecticide-treated bed nets and the prompt diagnosis and treatment of malaria cases, has significantly curbed malaria transmission. Notably, targeted districts saw a 56% reduction in malaria cases in 2020.

Tasked with narrating this vital story, I immersed myself in the frontline efforts of the spray operators. Through my lens, I captured their dedication and the tangible impact of their work in reducing the spread of malaria in Balaka, Malawi. This documentary photography project not only showcases the relentless fight against malaria but also highlights the collaborative spirit driving this life-saving mission.

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